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An Introduction to Big Data

It is almost impossible to search for information on the Internet without finding at least a few dozens of relevant results! Big Data specialists estimate that close to five zettabytes of data are stored on the Internet, on various servers. And a zettabyte equals no less than a sextillion, or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes!

This shouldn't come as a big surprise for people working in the information technology industry, though. YouTube users upload close to 50 hours of material every minute. And Facebook users upload no less than 100 terabytes of data each day.

It looks like things won't cool off in the near future either! By 2020, people are going to create and share 50 times more data than they did a decade ago.

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Key Pros and Cons of Social Media for Business

Any responsible business is now using social media for marketing purposes. Here are some key SM statistics, according to Data Alliance and Hootsuite.

But just like any other marketing medium, social media has its pros and cons. Facebook can help you promote products and services in front of highly targeted people, for example, but it can also be a time waster, which detracts you from real work.

Read this article to discover the key positive and negative aspects of social media networking. Let's start with the top five pros, shall we?

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Best Fact Checking Websites

Did you know that close to 4 billion people search Google each day, looking for answers for their questions? That translates to about 70,000 searches per second, and these searches use almost 50,000 GB of Internet traffic.

Here are the best fact-checking websites that will help you verify the authenticity of the information that can be found online.


If you ever get intrigued or confused while listening to the US politicians' declarations, this site is one of the best way to verify facts.  FactCheck analyses various TV ads, TV programs, interviews, speeches and news, helping people get a correct perspective.

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